Deepika Monga

Ballarat Specialist Women's Health
1015 Mair Street, Ballarat, Victoria

ph: 03 5333 5088

Telehealth consultation

Ballarat Specialist Women’s Health now offers a Telehealth consultation service, which is the delivery of health-related services via telecommunications technology, in our case Skype.

Video-conferencing is improving healthcare services for patients who live in rural and remote areas, rather than the patient having to travel to Ballarat to see a specialist.

Dr Monga currently uses Skype to provide this service in consultation with your GP. This is useful when a patient requires a consultation but does not require a physical examination. Such consultations could include discussion of test results, post operative consultations or treatment and/or medication plans.  

If you are interested in a Telehealth consulation with Dr Monga please discuss this with your local GP then call us at reception on 03 5333 5088 to set up an appointment time. Most Telehealth appointments are held first thing in the morning and will be held at your GP’s rooms.

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